> Exterior Painting

Exterior Painting In Guelph, Kitchener, The GTA, Milton And Erin

Exterior residential painting is best left to qualified and knowledgeable professional painters.

When you need exterior residential painters, turn to Boost Painting. We are not a chain. We are a locally owned and operated painting company providing superior workmanship and excellent service. With a detailed and transparent quoting process that includes our Standard 1 Year Warranty, we aim to offer an industry-leading and stress-free painting experience. We do not use high-pressure sales tactics, it is just not how we operate! We will come out to your house to discuss the job in order to best understand exactly what you are after.

So, your home’s exterior looks weathered and you want to breathe some life back into it with a fresh coat of paint or stain? Sounds good, we’re glad you’re here. Because the truth is, taking on your own DIY exterior painting project or leaving it in the hands of an unprofessional painter, can be a costly mistake.

At Boost Painting, we have the tools, knowledge and experience to get the job done right. If your home’s paint is faded, flaking or if you are simply looking for something different, we can transform your home into a stunning property and increase its curb appeal with quality results that last.


Exterior Repainting

Deck Painting

New Home & Presale Painting

Pressure Washing

Why Choose Boost Painting

> Top-Tier Results That Last

We are not haphazard painters, and we do not rush our work. Paint will be applied thoroughly, meticulously and precisely where you want it, without drips or splatters on your trim, floors, or furniture.

> 5-Year Warranty

With our Standard 5-Year Warranty on every residential painting project, you will have peace of mind knowing that the end results will be to your satisfaction.

> No Surprise Fees

Surprises are for sweet 16 parties, not residential painting quotes. Our stress-free quoting process means that we are detailed about the prep work required, paint type and the number of coats needed in order to get the job done right.

> No Mess Left Behind

A paint job is not finished until the clean-up is complete - we never leave behind a mess. The beautiful fresh paint will be the only tell that we were ever there.