How Presale Painting Can Increase Your Home's Market Value
Well, it’s been a slice. But now, it’s time to move. Should you consider presale painting? Would it make any difference in your home’s value?
Some of your neighbours may tell you that presale painting is a waste of time and money. Well, no offence to them, but they’re so wrong. In fact, presale painting can have a bigger impact on selling your home than you think.
How Much Does Interior Paint Increase A Home’s Market Value?
Before we get into how presale painting boosts your home’s real estate value, you’re probably more interested in hearing how much it can increase. To put it simply, presale painting can add around 5% to your home’s real estate value. If you’re discouraged by the small percentage, look at it differently. For example, if your home is worth $1M, your home’s value would boost by $50,000.
That percentage doesn’t seem so small now, does it?
How Does Presale Painting Increase Home Market Value?
So just how does presale painting increase your home’s market value? Let’s look more into that:
1) Better Curb Appeal
First and foremost, presale painting gets your home the attention it deserves. After all, first impressions are everything. That’s why curb appeal is so important. You want to be able to turn heads online and from the street. And a boring colour just won’t do that.
2) Updated Look
Dingy never sells. But updated does. And luckily, getting that updated look doesn’t have to involve expensive renovations and replacements. Instead, a fresh coat of paint leaves your home looking like new, inside and out.
3) Creating A Homey-Atmosphere
Staging your home includes removing family photos and creating a sort of blank slate for prospective buyers. That being said, this blank slate still needs to have that homey feeling that buyers are looking for and willing to bid more to get. Presale painting can help you with that by creating a neutral color palette that buyers will love.
Best & Worst Exterior Paint Colours For Curb Appeal & Home Market Value
When it comes to choosing an exterior paint colour for presale painting, it’s best to go with a neutral one. You’ll want to avoid really bright, vibrant colours.
Here are the best and worst exterior colours for curb appeal and better home market value.
Best Colours:
Dark Grey
Worst Colours:
Best And Worst Interior Colours For Home Market Value
Just like the outside of your home, it’s best to stick with neutral paint colours. Avoid choosing colours you would like. You’re not painting for yourself, after all.
Best Interior Colours:
Worst Interior Colours:
Professional Presale Painting To Get The Most Out Of Your Home!
Now that you can see all the benefits behind presale painting, you’d be making a mistake not to get it done. And if you want the best results, give Boost Painting a call so we can give a boost to your home before going to market!